Clery Act – Academy of Hair Design

Updated 9/2022

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) and the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and communities ACT (DFSCA): Policies, Reporting, Warnings and Notifications

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, more commonly known as the Clery Act, is contained (along with other security-related disclosure requirements) in section 485 of the Higher Education Act, codified at 20 U.S.C. – 1092. It requires all postsecondary education institutions to keep records and report annually on the nature, date, time and place of crimes occurring on campus, including hate crimes. It also prescribes a number of security-related protocols for emergency response procedures, timely notifications for on-campus crimes, etc.

Academy of Hair Design’s (hereinafter AHD) Annual Campus Safety and Security Report (aka ASR) is available here. This report is distributed in compliance with the Clery Act. Also online for review is the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program. Both the ASR and Drug and Alcohol and Abuse Prevention programs information is available online at

AHD’s commitment to safety and security includes:

  • Providing a secure and crime free environment for students, faculty and staff
  • Performing regular evaluation of security programs
  • Monitoring and following up on each crime reported

We believe student, faculty and staff behavior which promotes security awareness is important in all aspects of our lives and we encourage all students, faculty and staff to accept responsibility for their own security as well as the security of other members of our AHD community.

Comments, questions or concerns may be addressed to:

Academy of Hair Design
Attention: John Grieco, CEO
5191 W. Charleston Blvd. #150
Las Vegas, NV 89146

Students, faculty or staff who wish to report criminal actions, should immediately contact the CEO or other responsible supervisory personnel on campus. The criminal action should then be immediately reported by students, faculty or staff to the local authorities for assistance and/or investigation. Academy of Hair Design Incident Report form should be completed by the person reporting the criminal action with the assistance of the CEO or responsible supervisory personnel on campus at the time of the report filing. The report should be filed as soon as possible. The CEO will follow up on the report personally or assign responsibility to another appropriate administrator for follow up. Outcomes and any preventative or other actions taken to ensure the safety and security of all staff, faculty and students will be reported. Incident Report forms may be requested from the Administration office.


Academy of Hair Design’s CEO will serve as the Campus Security Authority (CSA).

The CSA is responsible for gathering the data used to prepare the annual campus crime statistics report. Campus crime data is gathered the same day that it is reported. The data is obtained from reports made to local law enforcement. Crimes are counted in the disclosure based upon the crime having been reported, not whether there was a conviction. Data is obtained annually from local law enforcement and compared with the data gathered at the School. The resulting data is used to prepare the annual crime statistics report.

The ASR is published by October 1 of each year. The ASR will be visibly present for current students and employees to inspect with notice that paper copies are available upon request. A notice of the ASR’s availability is provided to prospective students and employees with a notice that a paper copy is available upon request.


The Clery Act requires reporting on the following offenses:

  • Murder
  • Manslaughter (non-negligent)
  • Sex offenses, forcible and non-forcible
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Arson
  • Arrests or persons referred for campus disciplinary action for liquor law violations
  • Arrests or persons referred for campus disciplinary action for drug-related violations
  • Arrests or persons referred for campus disciplinary action for weapons possession
  • Hate crimes (which for Clery Act purposes include any crime listed in the preceding points and as of 2008, larceny-theft; simple assault; intimidation and destruction, damage or vandalism of property in which the victim is intentionally selected because of his or her actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or disability)
  • Missing Student Notification -AHD does not have on-campus housing facilities therefore not required to notify law enforcement

On March 7, 2014 President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA).

Among other provision, this law amended the Clery Act to require postsecondary institutions to include in their Annual Campus Security Report all instances of domestic violence, dating violence and stalking; and instances of gender identity and national origin crimes which fall under the category of Hate Crimes. These new reportable items must be included in the ASR released by October 1, 2015.


The Clery Act requires each institution to disclose crime statistics that occur on three types of property: campus, non-campus buildings or property and public property areas.

“Campus” is defined as buildings or property owned or controlled by the institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and used by the institution in a manner related to the institution’s educational purpose. It also includes property in that contiguous area owned by the institution but controlled by another person, if that property is used by students and supports institutional purposes (e.g. a food or retail vendor). Branch campuses and geographically disconnected administrative divisions or schools would be considered separate campuses for the purposes of reporting.

“Public property” is property that is located within the same reasonably contiguous geographic areas of the campus, like a sidewalk, street or public parking lot, that is adjacent to a facility owned or controlled by the institution for purposes related to the institution’s educational purposes. Crimes occurring on “public property” must also be reported in the crime statistics.

“Non-campus building or property” is one that is owned or controlled by a school recognized student organization, or one that is owned or controlled by the institution and used by students or by the institution for education-related purposes and that is not within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area of the campus. Crimes occurring on “non-campus property” must be reported. However, incidents occurring on public property adjacent to “non-campus buildings or property” do not have to be included. Academy of Hair Design does not have such property in this category for which we must report.


A timely warning to the campus community is distributed regarding any of the crimes listed in the Reportable Offenses under the Clery Act which are deemed to represent a threat to the students and employees and which are reported to campus officials or to local police agencies. The campus crime alert is issued in a manner that is timely and will aid in the prevention of similar crimes. The manner of dissemination to alert the campus community may include one or more of the following methods: verbal communication, e-mail, campus bulletin boards, voice mail, and text messages. In addition, the CSA or other campus officials will post relevant warnings, updates and advisories on the appropriate school Website ( and may also utilize its social media pages.

AHD officials may decide to issue an alert about a crime occurring off-campus but in a location frequented by students, even though such a crime would not be included in the annual report.


*AHD is a non-residential school and does not have a campus police force. All crimes are reported to local authorities (Metropolitan Police) described in the first section regarding policies and procedures to report crimes.

Academy of Hair Design Incident Report form (referenced above) may be requested from the Administration Office to assist in the description and recording of an incident of crime or emergency.


AHD is a non-residential school and does not have campus police therefore crimes must be reported to local authorities (Metropolitan Police). Local law enforcement will allow a victim or witness to report crime on a voluntary and confidential basis.


Efforts are made to inform members of the campus community on a timely basis about campus crime and crime-related issues. These efforts may include the following:

  • Crime activity log-The office of the CEO maintains a crime log, which is available for review within two days of request except in cases whereas disclosure of such information may be prohibited by law, jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim, etc.
  • Crime Alerts-published when a crime occurs on or near the AHD campus that potentially threatens the campus community. The crime alerts may be distributed in a variety of methods, depending on the incident. (See Timely Campus Warnings above.
  • Crimes reported to an AHD representative could be subject to obligatory reporting to local law enforcement

negating confidentiality.


Students and employees are cautioned never to attempt to apprehend or pursue a suspected criminal. Crimes or suspected criminals should be reported to the CSA or other designated staff member or, if appropriate, to 911 emergency. Immediately report any crimes or suspicious activity by

  • Notifying the CEO or other responsible supervisory personnel on campus

If you have any doubts about whether to report something that has occurred, report it. If you see something, say something. Victims of, or witnesses to, crimes may disclose them on a voluntary, confidential basis to the CSA, which can then determine whether the event constitutes reporting. Timely cooperation in reporting assists the school in issuing equally timely warnings to the campus community.

Always use your eyes, ears and telephone to keep campus officials advised of what you see and/or hear. Crimes to be reported immediately include, but are not limited to:

  • Strangers loitering in office areas, hallways, classroom or student/staff break rooms
  • Unsecured doors or windows in campus buildings that are supposed to be locked
  • Anyone tampering with a motor vehicle or loitering in campus parking lots
  • Persons publicly displaying a weapon
  • Persons loitering in dark or secluded areas
  • Persons carrying suspicious articles, equipment, luggage or other packages in or out of campus building

Crime is a serious problem with no easy solutions. Therefore, all members of the school campus community are encouraged to assist one another by taking responsibility for personal safety and assisting with the security needs of others. While school staff and security measures may offer assistance regarding safety and security concerns, ultimately the primary responsibility for your personal safety rests with you.


  • Stay alert of your surroundings, wherever you are. Always keep your eyes & ears open
  • If you feel uncomfortable in a place, leave right away
  • Stay safe walking to your vehicle by walking out with others or ask to be escorted by a trusted staff
  • Choose busy streets and avoid going through deserted areas
  • At night, walk in well-lit areas, avoid dark alleys or streets whenever possible
  • Try not to walk or jog alone. Invite a friend or walk in a group
  • Avoid carrying large sums of cash
  • When in public spaces, keep valuable items including jewelry, mobile phones and wallets out of sight
  • Carry a pepper or mace spray as a precautionary measure
  • After dark, walk in groups to and from –use the buddy system making sure each gets to their car safely
  • Communicate suspicious behavior immediately to staff
  • Familiarize yourself with the exits in buildings/classrooms

A list of programs and information available to students and employees is located in the career planning offices.


AHD provides information on personal safety crime prevention. The Student Services office has a directory of services that are available, within the community, to assist those who have suffered from a criminal act. Sometimes, these services are provided by the community and can be free. During student orientation, faculty and staff procedures are outlined to cover the reporting of all criminal acts.


The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act that became effective October 27, 2002 requires eligible institutions participating in the Title IV Federal Student Aid programs to issue a statement advising the campus community where the State law enforcement agency information concerning registered sex offenders/predators may be obtained. Sex offenders are required to be registered according to the State law in the State in which they reside and are also required to notify appropriate State Officials of each postsecondary school at which the offender is employed or is a student. Any such offender is also required to give notice to the appropriate State authorities of any changes in enrollment or employment status at the postsecondary school.

In the state of Nevada information concerning registered sex offenders and predators may be obtained from Nevada Sex Offender Registry.
333 W. Nye Lane, Suite 100
Carson City, NV 89706

Information is also available in the United States Department of Justice national sex offender registry at


The new Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act of 2013 (SaVE Act) requires schools to educate students, staff and faculty on the prevention of rape, acquaintance rape, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. As part of AHD’s compliance with the SaVE Act requirements for prevention and awareness programs that address the specified areas above, the institution has several relevant brochures available on display in (where on campus?) These brochures are from nationally recognized organizations and include awareness and preventive information. These brochures also include help hotlines related to these specific topics. Additionally, AHD has a sexual assault prevention program that includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Use of a “Buddy System” when walking to parked cars at night
  • Leaving the building in a group when classes are dismissed
  • If an assault occurs, notify the CEO, or a supervisor on campus immediately
  • Do not disturb the crime scene
  • Notify local law enforcement officials
  • Secure counseling for the victim, or offer a referral to appropriate entities that provide applicable counseling
  • Change the academic schedule if victim requests
  • Disciplinary actions include dismissal from the School

As part of the effort to provide an environment conductive to the school’s mission, the following services relating to sexual assault are provided at Academy of Hair Design. The school provides educational programs (referenced above) to enhance awareness of sexual assault and the condition that fosters this offense on school campuses. The school undertakes efforts to safeguard the rights and interest of the survivor and pursues sanctions against the perpetrator(s) of sexual assault. The school official will, upon request, arrange transportation to a hospital for treatment and evidence collection; provide notification top an off-campus support and counseling service; provide assistance in contacting the appropriate law enforcement agency as applicable.

AHD does not tolerate sexual assault against females or males, whether committed by a stranger or by an acquaintance. The school attempts to protect members of the school community, including visitors, from sexual assaults and offers any student or staff member who survives a sexual assault that occurs within the context of the school community the support necessary to enable them to continue their academic or career goals.


For the purpose of this policy, “sexual assault” is defined as any sexual act perpetrated upon a person without their consent, where the assailant uses physical force, threat, coercion or intimidation to overpower or control the victim; where the victim fears that they or another person will be injured or otherwise harmed if they do not submit; where the victim is prevented from resisting due to the influence of alcohol or other drugs; or where consent is otherwise not freely given. A sexual act includes, but is not limited to, actual or attempted intercourse, sexual touching, fondling and groping. Sexual assault is classified as “rape” when vaginal, anal or oral intercourse takes place without consent. This includes penetration by a foreign object.

Sex crimes, including but not limited to sexual assaults and rapes, represent violations of criminal and civil law and constitute serious breaches of student or employee conduct as well. All parties engaging in sexual activity must be based upon explicit consent among the parties. Verbal communications of non-consent, non-verbal acts of resistance or rejection, or mental impairment of the victim due to any cause including the victim’s use of alcohol or drugs may constitute lack of consent. The use of alcohol or drugs will not be accepted as an explanation for the actions of any individual charged with the violation of this policy.

Any individual who has been sexually assaulted, including date or acquaintance rape, is strongly encouraged to report the incident to the local police or the school CEO or other supervisory personnel on campus as well as any civil authorities that an individual deems appropriate. Staff members are trained to assist and support victims in notifying appropriate law enforcement authorities regarding such crimes, if requested by the victim.


  • There is strength in numbers or group dates. Go to parties or clubs with a friend and be responsible for each other. Do NOT split up. Have a pre-planned signal to let your friend know that you want to leave or need help.
  • Control your alcohol intake-do NOT let it control you. Drink responsibly or not at all, especially on first dates.
  • No substance abuse
  • Know our limits. It’s never too late to say “NO”. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed to say “NO” or ask someone to STOP. It is your body.
  • Verbalize your expectations. Be up front. Talk about sexual boundaries. A potentially embarrassing conversation could save you from a traumatic situation.
  • Trust your gut instinct. Guard your personal space. If someone makes you uncomfortable, remove yourself from the situation.
  • Believe in yourself. Know your rights. Women do not ask to be raped any more than a man with money in his pocket is asking to be robbed. You are in charge of your body and you can say “NO”.
  • End the night early if your date becomes drunk or abusive. No one deserves physical or emotional abuse.


AHD is committed to creating an environment that both promotes and assists in prompt reporting of sexual assault and to providing compassionate support services for survivors. Students who are the victims of campus-related sexual assault are entitled to certain rights. These rights include, but are not limited to the following:

  • The survivor has the right to have their claims treated seriously and to be treated with dignity.
  • The survivor has the right to be informed of their options with regard to notifying law enforcement authorities and to be assisted in notifying such authorities if they so choose. Because the school recognizes that a sexual assault is more than an assault on an individual’s body, but is also an attack on the individual’s dignity and sense of self, the school is committed to ensuring that the decision to take action against the accused rests solely with the survivor. There may be circumstances depending upon the status of the alleged assailant and the seriousness of the offense, in which the school must take action to protect the survivor or the campus community. Federal law requires that the school provide the campus community with timely notice of certain reported crimes and/or acts the Institution believes represent a threat to members of the campus community.
  • The survivor has the right to be free from undue coercion of any kind from the school’s personnel. Such coercion includes, but not limited to, pressuring the survivor to report or not to report, or to under report a sexual assault suggesting that the survivor somehow contributed to or assumed the risk of being sexually assaulted; or suggesting that the survivor or the school would incur unwanted publicity or humiliation by reporting the sexual assault.
  • Student survivors may choose to change academic arrangements, if such changes are reasonably available, without financial or academic penalty. For assistance in exploring options for a change in academic situations, contact should be made with the CEO or Director.

If you are Sexually Assaulted

  • Get to a safe place
  • Call the police as soon as it is safe to do so by dialing 911

Reporting the Assault

Students who believe that they are victims of a sexual assault should contact at least one of the following school officials

  • CEO- John Grieco
  • Administrator-Lori Grieco
  • School Director-Sandra Dunham

School faculty, staff members or campus visitors who believe they are victims of a sexual assault should contact at least one of the following school officials:

  • CEO- John Grieco
  • Administrator-Lori Grieco
  • School Director-Sandra Dunham

Individuals who have been raped or sexually assaulted should seek medical attention immediately or as soon as possible to assess and treat any physical injuries and collect important evidence in the event legal action is taken. Victims should try to preserve all physical evidence. If possible refrain from the following until you have completed the exam.

  • Showering or bathing
  • Changing clothes
  • Using the restroom or douching
  • Drinking, eating or chewing gum
  • Smoking
  • If you do have clothing, blankets, sheets or other items which may hold evidence, please put them in a PAPER bag or pillow case. Do NOT store items in plastic.

In cases of alleged sexual assault, the accuser and the accused are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during campus disciplinary proceedings and both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding brought alleging a sexual assault. An accused perpetrator of sexual assault, if determined to be responsible of the accused sexual assault, may be dismissed from AHD immediately.

The nature of sexual assault, particularly when perpetrated by an acquaintance, makes it difficult for many survivors to report their experience. For this reason, the local Shelters and Women’s Service Centers are primary places where individuals may seek assistance in complete confidentiality.


The Rape Crisis Center for Men & Women- 702-385-2153

Battered Women’s Services: Safe Nest- Hotline 702-646-4981 or 702-877-0133

The Shade Tree- Hotline 702-385-4596 or 702-385-0072

Safe Nest- Hotline 702-564-3227 or 702-451-4203

Salvation Army Southern Nevada: 702-870-4430

Salvation Army Family Services: 702-649-8240

Woman’s Resource Center Las Vegas: 702-366-1247

Rescue Mission: Hotline702-639-0277 or 702-382-1766

Y.W.C.A : 702-650-6506

Animal safe house: Noah’s Animal House 702-385-0072 ext 126

RAPE CRISIS Center: Hotline 702-366-1640 or 888-366-1640

Hospital providing sexual assault services-UMC 1800 W. Charleston Blvd. LV NV 89102 702-383-2000

Ask for an exam by a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) nurse in the Adult Emergency Department.

Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada (LACSN) 702-386-1070

A directory of services that are available within the community to assist those who have suffered from a criminal act can be found in the offices of the career planners. A catalog of various services is maintained and offered for review during the enrollment process. The catalog is available for both students and employees at all times. Copies can be requested at any time and will be provided free of charge.

AHD has in place an emergency response protocol. In an emergency or a dangerous situation, upon confirmation with the CEO, John Grieco or Director Sandra Dunham, of the need for mass notification, will without delay, take into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of the responsible individuals, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency. Emergency or dangerous situations may include, but are not limited to gas leaks, tornadoes, contagious viruses, etc.

In the event of an emergency or a dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the campus community, AHD may utilize some or all of its mass notification capabilities to notify its campus community. These capabilities may include e-mail, voicemail and text messages to alert the campus community. In addition, members of the administration will post relevant updates and advisories on the appropriate school website and bulletin boards. The campus CEO, or responsible personnel will simultaneously use the local means to notify campus students, staff and faculty of the situation, as well as disseminate pertinent information to relevant public entities.

This emergency notification requirement does not replace the timely warning requirement described earlier. They differ in that the timely warning applies only to Clery reportable crimes while the emergency notification requirement addresses a much wider range of threats (i.e. gas leaks, tornadoes, contagious viruses, etc) However, an institution that follows its emergency notification procedures is not required to issue a timely warning based on the same circumstances but must provide adequate follow-up information to the community as needed.

Training, exercises and tests will be conducted annually by management on the campus level and by the individuals relevant to mass notification. Management will document each test conducted by all relevant entities.

The campus takes various precautionary measures to protect the students, staff, and campus visitors. Nevertheless, unavoidable emergencies may occur in extreme situations. A campus response team (CRT) will implement and oversee the campus response to a crisis situation. The CRT receives training in dealing with crisis situations and will primarily direct the immediate response to a crisis situation until the arrival of law enforcement and emergency response personnel. In the event any student or staff member feels a threat of physical harm or imminent danger appropriate authorities should be contacted directly. In case of emergency dial 911 immediately.

There is potential for students to be involved in a variety of emergency situations for which appropriate actions must be taken. These possible situations include incidences that may require emergency evacuation, emergency lockdown or to shelter in place.

Emergency Evacuation-Evacuation is the movement of campus occupants from a dangerous or potentially dangerous location to a safe location. There are two types of evacuation: fire evacuation and non-fire evacuation.

Emergency Evacuation for a Fire Incident- A fire emergency evacuation in initiated when a fire incident occurs. Depending upon the campus size, it may require an evacuation of a single particular building affected by the fire incident, rather than the entire campus.

The objective: all building occupants are safely evacuated to a safe distance and location from the building affected, away from fire hydrants, fire lanes and not under power lines.

Fire Evacuation Procedures: Staff responsible for the affected areas should conduct a sweep of the building(s) to ensure all students are aware of and appropriately responding to the fire alarm and safely evacuated.

  • Evacuation is mandatory when a fire alarm is activated
  • Designated staff check the affected building(s) to ensure all personnel are appropriately evacuating
  • Assist people with disabilities, if possible
  • Follow authorized Personnel’s instructions
  • Ensure all doors and windows are closed as a room and building are evacuated (do NOT lock doors)
  • Do not attempt to re-enter the facility unless and until directed to do so by authorized personnel
  • Evacuated persons are directed to a safe distance and location from the building affected, away from fire hydrants, fire lanes and not under power lines.

Non-Fire Evacuation:

  • A non-fire evacuation will be initiated by campus personnel
  • Follow instructions
  • Assist people with disabilities, if possible
  • Do not attempt to re-enter the facility unless and until directed to do so by authorized personnel

Emergency Lockdown: Emergency lockdown is used to dramatically and rapidly enhance the level of security of the campus. By locking all exterior, interior and classroom doors, staff can make it more difficult for dangerous person(s) in the vicinity of the campus and in the campus to gain access to staff and students;

  • Lock or barricade doors of classroom and internal student areas of congregation
  • Close blinds, turn off lights
  • Remain quiet and out of sight
  • If gunshots are heard, lie on the floor and try to use available resources for additional cover and concealment
  • If you are outside when a lockdown is declared, seek shelter away from danger
  • If a fire alarm is activated during a lockdown, proceed with extreme caution
  • Do not open the door for people claiming to be public safety personnel unless you have an opportunity to view photo ID or are instructed to do so by a staff member whom you recognize

External Lockdown: External lockdown creates a physical layer of security between the internal and external dimensions of the campus. In addition to locked entrances, this may also include a supervised entry and exit to campus facilities, and/or barricade to campus property (e.g. barricades or chains restricting access to maintaining access control to the campus and remain in an elevated state of security.

  • Remain in classroom
  • Follow campus personnel instructions
  • Remain attentive to any change in status

Shelter in Place: Sheltering in place procedures are traditionally utilized when:

  • A tornado has been spotted
  • There has been a chemical or biological incident outside of, but in proximity to a campus and available information indicates that there is no adequate time to evacuate building occupants to another safe location before the dangerous contaminants reach the facility.
  • Follow campus personnel instructions
  • Assist people with disabilities, if possible
  • If you are outside when a shelter in place is declared, immediately seek an interior room or hallway with no windows
  • Close windows and doors—do NOT lock doors
  • Remain in shelter until anal clear is given

Emergency Evacuation for Bomb Threat or Other Non-Fire Situations-Non-fire emergency evacuation is used for any emergency evacuation not related to a fire incident. It is important to remember that evacuation distances significantly expand, up to hundreds of yards, for suspicious object evacuations. Nevertheless, not all bomb threats will necessarily result in evacuation, depending upon the individual event circumstances.

The objective: move all campus occupants to a remote, predefined and controlled location.

Staff Response: AHD team members should locate a lead staff member to take responsibility for students under their supervision and should then sweep the evacuation route and evacuation site for secondary hazards. They should immediately report their findings to the CEO.


  • Gather all students and visitors in your area of responsibility and evacuate using the route and site pre-designated
  • Ensure that all special needs persons are provided assistance
  • Remain alert to your surroundings. Be particularly alert to any people or conditions that might pose a danger to evacuees. If you encounter a significant hazard, quickly evaluate the situation; adjust your evacuation route
  • Once you reach the designated evacuation site, search the site for suspicious objects and adjust accordingly
  • Supervise students under your care
  • Report the presence of any suspicious objects in your classroom or clinic area to CEO or public safety personnel
  • Do not attempt to re-enter the facility unless and until directed to do so by authorized personnel

Emergency Lockdown/Bomb Threat: used to dramatically and rapidly enhance the level of security of the campus. By locking all exterior, interior and classroom doors, staff can make it more difficult for dangerous person(s) in the vicinity of the campus and in the campus to gain access to staff and students.

Objective: Create as many physical layers of separation between you and the potential aggression

  • Make sure entrance points to the building near your location are locked immediately
  • If you are located in an area with a door that can be locked, gather all students in the vicinity into the room and lock the door
  • Barricade doors of classroom and internal student areas of congregation if possible
  • Close blinds, turn off lights, cover windows (e.g. with a shirt, up-turned table, paper, etc)
  • Remain quiet and out of sight
  • If possible, report your status to the CEO or responsible supervisory personnel by telephone
  • Do NOT open the door for people claiming to be public safety personnel unless you have an opportunity to view photo ID or are instructed to do so by a staff member whom you recognize

External Lockdown/Bomb Threat: External lockdown creates a physical layer of security between the internal and external dimensions of the campus. By locking all exterior doors and supervising these doors, staff can make it more difficult for a possible external intruder or a potentially dangerous person in the vicinity of the campus to gain access to staff and students. In addition to locked entrances and supervised entry and exit to campus facilities, this step may include barricades to campus property (e.g. barricades or chains restricting access to campus parking lots and grounds) This lockdown allows staff and students to continue with productive activities while maintaining access control to the facility.

Objective: Create a physical layer of security between the external environment and internal campus operation while elevating the overall level of security.

  • Make sure the designated entrance points to the building near your location are locked immediately
  • If you are in an external classroom to the main building move students to alternative internal classrooms
  • If possible report your status to the CEO or responsible supervisory personnel by telephone
  • If students or staff have a need to move about in the building obtain permission first
  • Be prepared to rapidly implement an emergency evacuation or emergency lockdown-if directed to do so or if circumstances indicated you should do so

Department of Homeland Security: “Active shooter awareness-options for consideration”


Accident (Traffic) 0
Assault/Battery 0
Burglary 0
Other Disturbance 0
Recovered Motor Vehicle 0
Robbery 0
Stolen Motor Vehicle 0
Total 0

Area map of crime listed attached

DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE PREVENTION –Drug and alcohol threatens the workplace, our homes our schools and our community. The US Department of Education requires institutions of higher education to implement a drug prevention and awareness program for their students and employees through the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. All students are expected to conduct themselves as mature adults and as members of an academic community. The consumption of alcohol or drugs while attending class is prohibited and may be subject to disciplinary action.

Standards of Conduct-The school community must adhere to a code of conduct that recognizes that the unlawful manufacture, sale, delivery, unauthorized possession or use of any illicit drug is prohibited on property controlled by AHD. If an individual associated with AHD is apprehended for violating any drug-or alcohol-related law when on school property or participating in a school activity. AHD will fully cooperate with all law enforcement agencies. Underage possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted on property controlled by AHD and Nevada laws will be enforced. Intentionally or knowingly selling or intentionally or knowingly furnishing alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21 or to persons obviously inebriated, is not permitted on school property.

The Drug and alcohol Abuse Prevention Program policy applies to all students and all employees. The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited at this institution. This includes all forms of alcohol, beer, wine and distilled spirits. Recreational drugs include marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, methamphetamines, depressants, stimulants and ecstasy.

The institution will notify students or employees in writing if the institution becomes aware of any violation of this policy. Staff and students who violate these standards of conduct subject themselves to disciplinary action. Upon notification of a violation, disciplinary action will take place within 30 days. Disciplinary action rages from a letter of admonishment, suspension from school or work, and/or enrollment into a rehabilitation program to termination from school or employment. A list of local substance abuse facilities and treatment centers will be provided.

School Drug and Alcohol Violations:

  • Discipline will be based on the seriousness of the situation
  • Possible dismissal from the school
  • In all cases, AHD will abide by local, state and federal sanctions regarding unlawful possession of drugs and the consumption of alcohol
  • Additional state penalties and sanctions may also apply
  • AHD has adopted a zero-tolerance policy regarding underage drinking
  • Successful completion of an appropriate rehab program by an individual confirmed to have been in violation of alcohol or drug policies and/or laws who has since sought admission or re-admission to the school will be considered on a case-by-case basis

Legal Sanctions (Federal, State and Local)- In addition, Federal, State and Local sanctions may be enforced. There are numerous legal sanctions under local, state and federal laws which can be used to punish violators. Penalties can range from suspensions, revocation and denial of a driver’s license to 20-50 years imprisonment at hard labor without benefit of parole.

Property may be seized. Community services may be mandated.

Federal Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Violations: Federal guidelines focus strongly on illicit drug use and distribution. The Higher Education Opportunity Act states students convicted of an illicit drug violation can be denied federal financial aid for a specific period, in addition to other legal penalties. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) asks students if they have been convicted of a drug-related offense. If answered “yes” AHD will send a worksheet in the mail to determine if your conviction affects your eligibility for aid. Failure to answer the question automatically disqualifies students from receiving federal financial aid. Answering this question falsely could result in fines up to $20,000, imprisonment or both.

Penalties for Drug Convictions: If the student was convicted of both possessing and selling drugs and the periods of ineligibility are different, the student will be ineligible for the longer period.

Possession of Illegal Drugs:

  • For the first offense, a student loses eligibility for federal financial aid for one year from the date of conviction
  • Second offense, a student loses eligibility for federal financial aid for two years from the date of conviction
  • Third offense and subsequent offenses, student has indefinite ineligibility for federal financial aid from date of conviction

Sale of Illegal Drugs:

  • For the first offense, a student loses eligibility for federal financial aid for two years from the date of conviction
  • For a second offense and subsequent offenses, student has indefinite ineligibility from the date of conviction

Some other potential federal penalties and sanctions applicable to drug-related offenses include:

  • 21 U.S.C. 844-1ST conviction up to 1 year imprisonment and fined at least $1000. or both
  • After 1 prior drug conviction at least 15 days in prison, not to exceed 2 years and fined at least $2500. or both
  • After 2 or more prior convictions at least 90 days in prison, not to exceed 3 years and fined at least $5000. or both

Provisions relating to increased penalties in cases of certain serious crack possession offenses, making offenders subject to fines under Title 18 or imprisonment to terms not less than5 years and no more than 20 years, or both.

Possession of flunitrazepam shall be imprisoned for not more than 3 years, shall be fined as otherwise provided in this section, or both after mixture or substance exceeds 1 gram.

  • 21 U.S.C 8944a Civil fine up to $10,000
  • 21 U.S.C 847 Additional Penalties-any penalty imposed for violation of this subchapter shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any civil or administrative penalty or sanction authorized by law
  • 21 U.S.C. 854 Investment of illicit drug profits-Violation of this section shall be fined no more than $50,000. Or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both
  • 21 U.S.C. 862

o Drug Traffickers-Denial of Federal benefits, such as student loans, grants, contracts and professional and commercial licenses, up to 5 years for the first offense, up to 10 years for second and permanently ineligible for Federal benefits
o Drug Possessors-first offense is up to 1 year and second and subsequent offenses are up to 5 years
o Suspension of period of ineligibility
· 21 U.S.C. 862a-Denial of assistance and benefits for certain drug related convictions (i.e. state program funded under the Social Security Act or food stamp program or state program under the Food Stamp Act.

More information about federal penalties and sanctions for unlawful possession, us, sale and/or distribution of controlled substances is located at

How to Regain Federal Student Aid Eligibility

  • A student can regain eligibility for federal student aid funds the day after the period of ineligibility ends or upon having a conviction reversed, set aside or removed from the student’s record so that fewer than two convictions for sale of illegal drugs or three convictions for possession remain on the record. In such cases the nature and dates of the remaining convictions will determine when the student regains eligibility
  • Student may also regain eligibility upon successful completion of a qualified drug rehabilitation program that MUST include the student passing at least two unannounced drug tests


  • Have received or is qualified to receive funds directly or indirectly under a federal, state or local government program OR
  • Be administered by a federal, state or local government agency or Court OR
  • Be qualified to receive payment directly or indirectly from a federally or state-licensed insurance company OR
  • Be administered or recognized by a federally or state-licensed hospital, health clinic or medical doctor

A student may further regain eligibility upon successful completion of two unannounced drug tests which are part of an approved rehab program (the student does not need to complete the rest of the program)

The student is responsible to certify that a rehabilitation program was successfully completed. As with the conviction question on the FAFSA, the school is not required to conform the reported information unless conflicting information is determined.

Convictions during Enrollment: Federal regulations require enrolled students convicted of a drug offense after receiving federal financial aid to notify AHD immediately. The student will then become ineligible for further federal financial aid and must repay federal financial aid received after the conviction.


SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

What is SAMHSA’s National Helpline?

SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357),(also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service) is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.

Also visit the online treatment locators.

What are the hours of operation?

The service is open 24/7, 365 days a year.

Do I need health insurance to receive this service?

The referral service is free of charge. If you have no insurance or are underinsured, we will refer you to your state office, which is responsible for state-funded treatment programs. In addition, we can often refer you to facilities that charge on a sliding fee scale or accept Medicare or Medicaid. If you have health insurance, you are encouraged to contact your insurer for a list of participating health care providers and facilities.

Schools are required to conduct a biennial review of the drug and alcohol abuse prevention program. This review must include a determination of the number of drug and alcohol-related violations and fatalities that occur on the school campus or as part of the schools activities and the number and type of sanctions imposed by the school as a result of violations.

The term “campus” is defined in the same manner as it is defined for campus safety reporting purposes. Campus encompasses any building or property owned or controlled by the school within a reasonably contiguous geographic area used in direct support of the school’s education purposes or used by students and supporting the purpose of the school.

The effectiveness of Academy of Hair Design’s prevention program is, in part, also measured by tracking the number of drug and alcohol-related

  • Disciplinary actions
  • Treatment referrals
  • Incidents recorded by AHD officials

Additionally, to assist in the determination of the effectiveness of AHD’s prevention program, the school considers, if and when the school is made aware, the number of students or employees attending self-help or other counseling groups related to alcohol or drug abuse. If or when the school is made aware of a potential drug/alcohol problem an immediate review of the program to determine its effectiveness is to be conducted and modifications will be made accordingly. For audit purposes, biennial reviews as mandated by the US Department of Education are kept on file and retained for three years after the fiscal year in which the report was created. Biennial reviews are conducted in even numbered years.

see what our students have to say

I graduated from the Academy and I had a great experience! All the educators Were very knowledgeable and taught me so much on many levels. Which I still carry with me to this day! The atmosphere, all the patrons I was able to work on, and how versatile the school is, was a great advantage. I appreciate how well prepared I was for state board And to get out in the field.

Daphne T.

I went here last year under the nail technician program and it was a great hands on experience. They supplied me with all of the tools I’d need to be successful. I’m now a year in working at a nail shop with a steady clientele thanks to the job placement program. 10/10 recommended if you want to get licensed.


My education has not only taught me so much but it was so fun and enjoyable. The staff and students made each day beautiful. It didn't feel like just school or work, it was more like a big family that helped each other be successful.


I graduated from [Academy of Hair Design] and I had a great experience! All the educators were very knowledgeable and taught me so much … The atmosphere, all the patrons I was able to work on, and how versatile the school is, was a great advantage. I appreciate how well prepared I was for the state board and to get out in the field. I have watched [Academy of Hair Design] grow and I decided I wanted to come back to educate and give back to this industry … It's so rewarding seeing how amazing and well [the students] excel!


The first time I came to this school I knew that this school fits me. I'm glad I made the right choice. I learned a lot and made friends too. All the instructors are nice and I love how they teach their students. Now that I'm graduating I am very proud of myself and can't wait to show my diploma to everyone. Thank you Academy of Hair Design for making my dreams come true.


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Academy of Hair Design

5191 West Charleston Blvd 150
Las Vegas, NV 89146


Working hours

Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 am - 9:15 pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Closed Sunday and Monday